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I am Coach Christine and I am excited you are here. I have a passion for helping others improve their nutritional health, physical activity, rest, emotional health, and overall well-being. 


I learned first hand the lifestyle changes to adopt to achieve an ideal weight for myself and keep it off while still being able to enjoy a full and vibrant life.


Along this journey, I became a Health and Wellness Coach, ACE Certified Group Fitness Instructor, ACE Behavior Change Specialist, and currently in Nutrition Certification so that I can continue to help others discover their healthiest and happiest version of themselves just like I did.


Over the past 4 years I have been able to help hundreds of people adopt this lifestyle and nothing brings me greater joy.

I will help you prioritize your self-care, manage stress, promote healthy routines, and navigate challenges you may be experiencing in these areas of your life. Together, we will create sustainable wholesome habits in your lifestyle and focus on autonomy, self-efficacy, and ultimately self-management so that you feel like your best self!


Those of you wanting to step into the most aligned version of yourself, I have time blocked just for you.


                                                          ~ Coach Christine

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Your Guide on the Side

I help you overcome feelings of self-doubt, perfectionism, and overwhelm so they can take courageous action in healing themselves through self-care. Through critical inner work and habit development, I empower my clients to improve and increase self-efficacy, self-confidence, and wellbeing. My person-centered care and support allows women to see the transformation they envision for themselves.


Who I work with

Those who are ready to take the next step closer to a thriving healthy lifestyle. You may be saddled with multiple roles and take care of every other area or people in your life. You may feel emotionally drained and may or may not have recognized the need for self-care. You may be ready to start showing up for yourself and desire to make real changes you love.  You are ready to prioritize yourself in a way that leaves you feeling well, happy, whole, and fulfilled. If you have experienced health or emotional challenges and have arrived at "enough is enough", the time is now to take the very best care of self.


My services are beneficial for those in the workforce, caretakers, or referred patients who have received a medical diagnosis  and in need of a lifestyle intervention and have the tools to better themselves but often get stuck and seek guidance to apply them to their daily lives.  If you face another layer of challenges around taking care of work at the workplace and/or others at home, leaving just enough energy to do it all over again the next day. If all goes unchecked, you may feel depleted and doubtful of your ability to block time for your own self-care and restoration.



Take the next best step for "You"


Together, we will collaborate to set actionable health goals into achievable success markers. Setting and reaching health goals can be challenging, however,  a health coach can help you move past barriers. Taking small steps with an added accountability component built towards a healthier lifestyle can improve your quality of life. With increased energy and motivation, you’ll be able to do more, show up full for others, and live life to the fullest. Partner with a supportive health coach who empowers you to win!









How to get started? Schedule a free session.










Let's connect.


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